a carotenoid found in plant foods, is
also a red pigment. Dark red acicular
crystal, soluble in chloroform,
benzene and grease but insoluble in
water. Unstable to light and oxygen,
turning brown when met with iron.
lycopene is widely found in tomatoes,
tomato products, watermelon,
grapefruit and other fruits. It is
the main pigment in ripe tomatoes and
one of the common carotenoids.
a carotenoid found in plant foods, is
also a red pigment. Dark red acicular
crystal, soluble in chloroform, benzene
and grease but insoluble in water.
Unstable to light and oxygen, turning
brown when met with iron. lycopene is
widely found in tomatoes, tomato
products, watermelon, grapefruit and
other fruits. It is the main pigment in
ripe tomatoes and one of the common