2. Composition: 100% white refined sugar
3. Physical Characteristics:
3a. Appearance White Crystal Homogeneous solid powder. Uniform
particle. Colour Crystal Sparkling White
4. Odour Non Flavour Sweet
5. Technical Characteristics and Microbiological analysis:
5a. RBU “attenuation index units” ASTM 4-1978 Polarization at
20C, 99.80% min.
6. Ash Content 0.04% max by weight Moisture 0.04% By weight
7. Grain size 0.60 mm Granulation Fine crystal grain
8. Solubility 100% Dry and Free Flowing
9. Radiation: Normal W/O Presence of Cesium or Iodine Color
Crystal Sparkling White
10. Smell Free of odor
11. Magnetic Particles 4 Mg/Kg Max SO2 20 Mg/Kg Max
12. HPN Staph Aureus Nil. Max Poisonous Phytosanitary Certificate
Sediments None
13. Reducing Sugar 0.05% Max by weight Max AS: 1 ppm
14. Max PS: 2 ppm
15. Max CU: 3 ppm
16. Shelf Life: 24 months from date of manufacture
17. Threat level:
17a. Skin contact: Harmless
17b. Eye Contact: Causes irritation.
17c: Inhalation: Causes
mild discomfort
17d: Ingestion:
17e. Radiation: Normal internationally accepted limit without
presence of Cesium or Iodine (certified)