UTMOST Eccentric Rotary Plug Control Valve has the outstanding advantages of simple structure, small volume, lightweight, strong flow capacity, wide adjustable range, wide service temperature range, small leakage, good stability, low cost, and long service life.
As a professional control valve factory, the sealing form of UTMOST eccentric rotary control valve
Eccentric Rotary Valve Working Principle
is hard-seal, which is connected with a pneumatic actuator, matching positioner, solenoid valve, and other accessories to realize proportional adjustment.
The working principle of the eccentric rotary plug control valve is a fan-shaped ball valve with eccentric rotation. The eccentric ball core of eccentric plug control valve is tangent to the valve seat, and when it is opened, the spool is separated from the valve seat. When closed, the spool gradually confects the seat of valve, so that the ball exerts a pressing force on the valve seat. The eccentric rotary valve has a simple flow path and low resistance.
Eccentric Rotary Plug Control Valve Structure Feature
Compared with single seat control valve and double seat valves with the same caliber, eccentric rotary disc valve has a larger flow capacity, but its weight is only about 1/3. The spool and the main shaft only rotate, so the friction force it bears when the switch rotates is very small. The flexible arm of the eccentric rotary valve spool produces small elastic deformation and elastic tension under the thrust of the actuator, which pneumatic eccentric rotary valve is very small. At the same time, the thrust required to close the valve is smaller than that of the ball valve and butterfly valve.
As one of china valves manufacturers, we will do our best to meet all the needs of customers.
No.1 of Hengfa road, Beisu area, Zoucheng, Jining City, Shandong Province,P.R.China