The Delay Board is designed to delay relay switching for applications server system or Motherboard on delays. If uesd properly. it will eliminate the need for expensive industrial power switch, which would otherwise be needed to carry out the same task.
Delay Board is easy to install, setup and operate. If you want to professionally power your storage solution, it offers the features you need.
When turning on the system for “Motherboard and Control Board” or “TWO Motherboards” it has the turn on timing issue. It should have the delay board to adjust the timing (BIOS: Basic Input Output System).
The step of turn on the system, motherboard should be delay. Hard Disk will be on the state of stand by.
For Example: The system’s motherboard and control board have the different timing of 48 seconds. Just adjust the delay board to third section.
Delay board Spec.
First Section: 0 sec
Second Section: 3-5 sec(s)
Third Section: 45-52 sec(s)
Fourth Section: 90-104 sec(s)
Fifth Section: 135-156 sec(s)
Sixth Section: 180-208 sec(s)
ps: Above is for standard seconds, if not for your request. Just contact us today!
If two motherboards having the timing issue when turning on and without the delay board the system will be tested to error. The storage clients would ask the motherboard supplier to adjust the timing. It will add the OEM stock and motherboard stock. The modify expense costly.
It applied for monitor system/equipment (MVR / DVR).