is a sheet treated against sunlight and ultraviolet rays.
It has many uses, whether on the engineering level or in
other life matters. It can be used in buildings externally
as roofs for stadiums and swimming pools (sky light). It
can be used to cover trusses. It can be used in windows
instead of roofs. Glass. You can use it as awnings for
projects externally. It can be used in the shape of a dome
to cover something. Geometric formations can be made
through it, such as forming a pyramid in an outdoor
courtyard. It can be used in the field of displaying
billboards and many uses that may be difficult to
enumerate. But if you want to know It is used internally in
the field of design and construction. It can be used for
doors or as covers for lanterns and lighting equipment. It
is also used as insulation in electrical panels. It is also
used as partitions to divide hospitals, banks, companies
and offices. It has many, many uses in the field of design
and construction, whether on the external or internal