Model :HT-200 Brand: Suwei Model :HT-200 Color
category: Sub-package 100G/HT-200 sub-package
500G/HT-200 sub-package 1KG/HT-200 sub-package
2KG/HT-200 original 5KG/ barrel HT - 200 Italian
solvay GALDENSuwei heat transfer fluid
The main role of the processing coolant is to control
or maintain the continuous temperature of the wafer
at a certain set level to avoid the potential danger
of material damage Galden? PFPE HT is a series of
thermal fluids with a boiling point of 55°C to 270°C.
Its excellent dielectric properties, chemical
stability and ability to adapt to very low and very
high operating temperatures make it a thermal fluid
in corrosive environments in the semiconductor and
electronics industries. Galden? PFPE HT liquid has
good adaptability to most commonly used materials of
heat exchangers. Galden? The PFPE system is
essentially maintenance-free, with no risk of
corrosion. During use, Galden? The dielectric
properties of PFPE do not change, so there is no
short circuit. Galden? PFPE is environmentally
friendly, non-toxic and non-explosive. In the event
of any leakage, the electronic product will not be
damaged. Non-flash points, ignition points and
spontaneous combustion points are also Galden?
Additional benefits of PFPE HT. Galden? HT PFPE:
Suitable for operating temperature range Heat
transfer fluid reliability test liquid vapor phase
heat transfer fluid 1.Galden PFPE Heat Transfer
Fluids Applied to semiconductor, pharmaceutical,
chemical, aviation, liquid crystal display and video
manufacturing, etc. Model :HT55
HT70HT90HT110HT135HT170 HT200 HT230 HT240 HT270
2.Galden PFPE Reliability Testing Fluids Application:
semiconductor, electronic packaging industry air
tightness test Thermal shock test Thermal shock oil
Model :DET D/80D/100D02D02-TS D03 D05 Model :DET D80
D100 D02 D02TS DO3 D05 3. Galden PFPE Vapor Phase
Fluids gas Phase thermal fluid areas of application:
semiconductor, electronic industrial gas welding
steam models: LS LS LS / 155/165/200 LS LS LS /
210/215/230 hs / 240 hs / 260 SVP SVP - 3 models:
LS155LS165LS200LS210LS215LS230HS240HS260 SVP SVP3H -
Galden 1.H-Galden ZT130 Heat Transfer Fluid HGalden
ZT1302.H-Galden ZT150 Heat Transfer Fluid HGalden
H-Galden ZT180 Heat Transfer Fluid HGalden ZT180ZT85
ZT100 ZT130 ZT150 ZT180 Galden HT 200 heat transfer
fluid Perfluoropolyether products are insoluble in
water and extremely stable!! Commonly known as
fluorooil Galden perfluoropolyether fluid is a
well-known lower molecular weight fluorinated fluid.
Galden perfluoropolyether fluid contains carbon,
fluorine, oxygen. Galden perfluoropolyether fluid
properties are chemical resistance, thermal
resistance, non-toxicity, excellent dielectric
properties, no flash point, no ignition point and low
viscosity. Suitable for thermal heat transfer
applications, Galden HT perfluoropolyether fluids
offer a wide range of boiling points, pour