Onions are one of the most popular vegetables worldwide. While
most children dislike their pungent and bity flavor, most adults
embrace and use them regularly. Red onions contain twice as many
anti-oxidants as any other form of onion making them a powerful
part of an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle. This article
will go over 10 benefits of red onions and how to use them to get
the best results.
Red onions get their bite from the many sulfur groups they
contain. These sulfur groups include the diallyl sulfides: DMS,
DDS, DTS & DTTS. These sulfur groups help produce cysteine within
the body that aids in weight loss, detoxification and cancer
prevention. Additional research has shown that sulfur compounds
have a strong anti-oxidant capacity that inhibits blood cell
The sulfur compounds in red onions also lower LDL cholesterol & triglycerides while boosting HDL levels. They are associated with improving cell membrane function in red blood cells and improving oxygen utilization. This improves cardiovascular function as well as fat metabolism..
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