Ferrite (ceramic) magnets, the lowest cost
hard magnets available today, are ceramic materials
produced by mixing and firing a large proportion of
iron oxide (Fe2O3, rust) with a small proportion of
one or more additional metal elements ( Examples
include barium, manganese, nickel, and zinc. They
are all non-conductive, which means they are
insulators, and ferrimagnetic, which means they are
easily magnetized or attracted to magnets.
According to their resistance to demagnetization
(magnetic correction Reluctance), ferrite can be
divided into two series. 1. Ferrite permanent
magnet compound is extremely low in cost, mainly
made of rusty iron (iron oxide), and has excellent
corrosion resistance. They are very stable and
difficult to demagnetize, and can be made with high
and low coercivity. Common Applications: Lifting
Applications, School Projects, Loudspeakers, Guitar
Pickups, Eddy Current Devices, Breakouts and
Fixtures, Motors, Generators, Switches, Relays,
Security Systems, Sweeper Magnets, Crafts and Model
Making, DIY Projects, Science Experiments,
Classroom displays, store displays, lifting
machinery, apparel, office display boards, home or
office organization, promotional gifts, and more.
2. Soft magnet: Produce CSC cores at competitive
prices All kinds of soft magnets, sensors, MPP,
iron powder, high flux, high flux, ferrite cores,
containing KDM and other low permeability materials
meet US and Korean standards, we can manufacture
some others A special core that cant be done.
Custom flexible cores, inductors and transformers.
Feel free to contact us to discuss your
professional needs.