Origin | China | Leadtime | less than one month |
Ship | by air / by sea | Process | Injection moulding |
Package | customized |
Glad to know that you are sourcing for injection molded parts. We are a plastic injection molding company that can assist in material selection and product design, the design and construction of molds, as well as production of injection molded parts.
If you have a specialized product, or the expected volume is hight, it makes sense to have your own mould. Otherwise, you would probably be better off finding an existing product and adapting it to your needs, or machining the parts in small quantities as needed.
Please feel free to contact us and we'll guide you with our professional knowledge and design by mailing to ***** . Thanks for your kind attention. We look forward to hearing from you for a good cooperation.
Best regards,
Youth Enterprenership Park No. 1313, Shuangshan Street, Zhangqiu District