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dehydrated lemon with skin sliced or cube cuts

Product Details

Taze&Kuru Food Inc has drawn upon ancient methods of preservation and pioneered a unique renewable-energy-powered food drying process that produces healthy snacks that are free from preservatives, coloring, and all additives. This patented indoor system protects foods from the negative externalities of sunlight, dust, and other harmful elements during the drying process so that aflatoxin formation and contamination, the main hygiene problem of the food drying industry is prevented. As a result, the fruit and vegetables retain their real flavors and high nutritional value for 12 to 18 months.

Taste lemon with its unique structure, delicate inside, rough skin, both make strong sour flavor. Amazing experience… just add to your glass of water (cold or hot) or in a cup of tea and see how it changes. It is a snack if you like eating sour, good for baking. You can add to your ice-cream. A distinctive ingredient for tea. If you think that it is impossible tea without lemon, this dried lemon is just for you, keep always some in your handbag.

Please contact us if you have other questions or inquiries.

Atesinternational/ Taze&Kuru Food Inc.


Republic of Türkiye

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