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CQ6232G china manual engine lathe machine tool equipment

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ConditionNew TypeHorizontal
CNC or NotNormal Automatic Grademanual
Place of OriginJiangsu, China (Mainland) Brand NameYujie
Voltage220 Power(W)1500
Dimension(L*W*H)1740*750*1510mm Weight620kg
CertificationCE/ISO9001-2008 Max. Swing Diameter330
ColourUp: white, Down:blue Or as your requirement Swing over gap476 mm
Swing over cross slide198 mm Spindle bore38mm or 52mm
Step of spindle speeds8 Range of spindle speeds70-2000 rpm
Taper of spindle boreMT5 Range of inch threads4-56 T.P.I
Range of metric threads0.4-7 mm Taper of tailstock quillMT3
After-sales Service ProvidedEngineers available to service machinery overseas
Yancheng Yujie Machine Co., Ltd. offers premium quality Cq6232g China Manual Engine Lathe Machine Tool Equipment for B2B importers and distributors worldwide. Yancheng Yujie Machine Co., Ltd. is located in China and deals exclusively in the production and export of Machine Tool Equipment. This product is also CE/ISO9001-2008 certified.

CQ6232G china manual engine lathe machine tool equipment Price in China

The price of Cq6232g China Manual Engine Lathe Machine Tool Equipment from China is based on the bulk order quantity. Yancheng Yujie Machine Co., Ltd. offers flexible prices for Machine Tool Equipment variations depending on the importing country and quantity.

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