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ASTM E595-15 Outgassing test

Product Details

ASTM E595-15 Outgassing test - Test Standard

ASTM E595 Standard Test Method for Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile Condensable Materials from Outgassing in a Vacuum Environment

ASTM E595-15 Outgassing test - Test Requirement

CVCM collected volatile condensable materials≤0.1%

TML total mass loss≤1%

WVR the amount of water vapor regained

Outgassing test ASTM E595 - Test Conditions

Pre Condition: 73 F/ 50% RH (24Hours) ; Post Condition: 73 F/ 50% RH (24Hours)

This test method describes the test apparatus and related operating procedures for evaluating the mass loss of materials being subjected to 125°C at less than 7*10−3 Pa for 24 h. The overall mass loss can be classified into noncondensables and condensables. The latter are characterized herein as being capable of condensing on a collector at a temperature of 25°C.

ASTM E595-15 Outgassing test – Brief

Many types of organic, polymeric, and inorganic materials can be tested. These include polymer potting compounds,foams, elastomers, films, tapes, insulations, shrink tubings,

adhesives, coatings, fabrics, tie cords, and lubricants. The materials may be tested in the “as-received” condition or prepared for test by various curing specifications.

More about Outgassing test ASTM E595,please contact us :

CASfire Technical Co.,Ltd

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