The AO
Maxime Bouzid deck features a brand new head tube,
which was designed to take up less space on the deck
plate, and give you more foot space! The new head tube
will also give you more room to lock into nose blunts
and crooks. AO has also designed completely brand new
deck ends for the deck as well. The deck ends were
designed to be removed so riders have the choice
between using pegs, or a traditional square back end.
This deck is compatible with 30mm wide, and 12 STD
wheels if you purchase the kits separately. Who is this
deck for? The 6.25" version of the Maxime deck is for
any street rider who wants options. With the removable
deck ends and additional spacers, you can choose
between pegs and different widths of wheels without ANY
hassle. An excess of options doesn't just apply to
compatibility, it also refers to your trick selection.
Name a grind, any feature, and the 6.25" Maxime deck
will be able to lock into it. Although with the larger
deck, you do give up some maneuverability, so look into
the 5.8" version of the Maxime deck if you can't handle
the larger width!