We are a leading manufacturer of travel bags, tote bags, sports bags, backpacks, cooler insulated bags, fanny bags, duffel bags, school bags, messenger bags, picnic bags in the sewing industry. We offer the widest range of products at competitive prices, and lead the industry with high service standards. We never forget that you are the reason we are in business. Our make a promise to you that we will continually work to provide you with the most conscientious customer service and the widest variety of designs and styles in the finest materials. This effort will include the availability of custom designs with speed and dispatch. We also assure that your selection will be crafted with the highest quality and reliability, whether you are selecting one of our totes, portfolios, or sport bags. We ensure the lowest price and the highest quality, as we are a professional bag manufacturer and fabric supplier. When considering who you will contact for your upcoming project, or a comparative quote, please give us the opportunity to prove to you, that we can become a truly valuable manufacturing partner for you in China.
Business Type | Manufacturer, Trader |
Company | Xiamen Ason Products Co., Ltd. |
Main Products | Bags (Cooler Insulated Bags,Tote Bags,Travel Bags,Sports Bags,Backpacks |
Website | |
Established Year | 2014 |
City / State | Xiamen , Fujian |
Country/Region | China |
Address | 9F, No. 2362 Fangzhong Rd, Xiamen |
Location | - |
Factory Size | - |
Total QC Staff | |
Total RND Staff | |
Number of Production Lines | |
Annual output | |
Average Lead Time |
Total Revenue | US$10 Million - US$50 Million |
Export Percentage | 91% - 100% |
Nearest Port | - |
Overseas Office |