W.B.G is a manufacturer and a leader for Lubricating Grease,Outdoor Gear repair parts & accessories in Shenzhen, China.We carrie a big rang of products for Fixing and Maintenance, and continue to design/ develop new products. and has two sales model, one is for wholesale, there will be MOQ for each item, OEM is welcome in our factory, another is for retail, you can choose any item with any quantity in our inventory.W.B.G is always keeping the strong belief to achieve customer satisfaction and striving hard to exceed customer expectation.
Business Type | Manufacturer |
Company | Shenzhen W.B.G Industrial Co., Ltd. |
Main Products | repair patch /tapes,adhesives / Glue,baby toys accessory,lubricating grease,Toy parts |
Website | |
Established Year | - |
City / State | SHENZHEN , - |
Country/Region | China |
Address | LUOHU |
Location | - |
Factory Size | - |
Total QC Staff | |
Total RND Staff | |
Number of Production Lines | |
Annual output | |
Average Lead Time |
Total Revenue | US$5 Million - US$10 Million |
Export Percentage | 91% - 100% |
Nearest Port | YANTIAN |
Overseas Office |