Your satisfaction is our Goal. Please inspect your order upon delivery. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase,please return your merchandise within 90 days for a prompt and courteous exchange or refund,whichever you prefer,we make this guarantee because we know you will be 100% satisfied with your purchase. If you are not happy we are not happy.
Business Type | Trader, Supplier, Business Service |
Company | Apex Co., Ltd. |
Main Products | Outboard Motor, Boat Engine, Outboard, Marine Engine, Yatch Engine, Boat, Outboard 4stroke |
Website | |
Established Year | 2010 |
City / State | Bunkyo-Ku , Bunkyo-Ku |
Country/Region | Japan |
Address | 3-36-11, Sendagi 113-0022 Bunkyo-Ku , Japan |
Location | Bunkyo-Ku |
Factory Size | 3 Acres |
Total QC Staff | 10 |
Total RND Staff | |
Number of Production Lines | |
Annual output | |
Average Lead Time | 3 |
Total Revenue | 20,290,000 |
Export Percentage | 88% |
Nearest Port | Kuala Lumpur, Osaka |
Overseas Office | Malaysia |