We are manufactuer for blow machinery:a) To make roll-to-roll, roll-to-sheet, sheet-to-sheet printing machineb) To make PE/PP/PVC Film Extruder Machinec) To make Plastic Bag Making Machined) To make Recycling Machine for Plastice) To make Pelletizing Machine of producing PVC/TPR/Masterbatch etc. Because we are manufacturer, we can supply the machinery at good price. We have tecnician and engineer team to install the machinery in buyers factory and train the workers in buyers factory. We have technician and engineer team to work inline for 24 hours to answer all questions the buyer have when they start to use the machines. Inline messager includes skype, whatsapp, wechat, etc. We have speical deparment to courier or ship the parts the buyers need to repair the machines, so the buyers can receive the parts in fast time.
Business Type | Manufacturer |
Company | Ruian Cambridge Machinery Factory |
Main Products | Printing Machine, Plastic Film Extruder, Bag Making Machines, Plastic Recycling Machinery, Plastic Pelletizing Machine |
Website | |
Established Year | - |
City / State | RUIAN , Zhejiang |
Country/Region | China |
Location | - |
Factory Size | - |
Total QC Staff | |
Total RND Staff | |
Number of Production Lines | |
Annual output | |
Average Lead Time |
Total Revenue | Below US$1 Million |
Export Percentage | 91% - 100% |
Nearest Port | - |
Overseas Office |