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Company Overview

we actually consists of two companies, namely PT. Internox and PT. AKM, which is basically the same firm, PT. INTERNOX as Seller Purchasing Company and PT. AKM do as contractor mining in Nickel ore laterite. We also co-operated with IUP Owner as partner as partner JO for their Areal Concession, and do contact with Buyer to the materials with sharing profit that we have agree

Company Information

Business Type Trader, Supplier, Agent
Company PT. Internox And PT. AKM
Main Products Ni 1.80%,Ni 1.90%,Ni<1.00% Fe>47%
Established Year 2017
City / State - , -
Country/Region Indonesia
Address -

Factory Information

Location -
Factory Size -
Total QC Staff
Total RND Staff
Number of Production Lines
Annual output
Average Lead Time

Trading Information

Total Revenue US$1 Million - US$2.5 Million
Export Percentage 91% - 100%
Nearest Port Pomalaa &amp; Tolala, North Kolaka, South East Sulawesi
Overseas Office
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