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Company Overview

The Medtecs International Corporation Limited ("Medtecs" is an integrated healthcare products and services provider in the Asia Pacific region, and a leading manufacturer and distributor of medical consumables for the global healthcare industry. Commenced operations in the Philippines in 1989, Medtecs Group has since established a strong presence in the United States, Europe and the Asia Pacific region. The Group has offices and facilities spanning across Asia - in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Philippines, Cambodia and the People Republic of China ("China") We are a leading integrated OPM manufacturer and distributor of healthcare, hospitality and work wear products for the global healthcare and hospitality industry and a provider of third party hospital. Leveraging on its strength as an OPM, the Group also manufactures and distributes MEDTECS branded medical consumables to end customers in the Asia Pacific region. The Group thriving Research & Development department has enabled us to roll out a wide range of innovative medical products on a regular basis for our OPM customers as well as products for the home care market. Medtecs is also an agent for other branded medical supplies, devices and equipment in the Asia Pacific region. In Taiwan, the Group is currently the dominant total solutions provider for hospital services. Services provided include: hospital linen rental and laundry, management of hospital laundry facilities, hospital automation and other non-core hospital functions. The Group has a Taiwan customer base of 22 hospitals with 11.6% of the total hospital beds in Taiwan (equivalent to 42% of the outsourcing market in Taiwan). The Group has also successfully expanded its hospital services in the Philippines. Recognizing the importance of innovation, Medtecs actively engages in research and development. The Groups continuous effort in product research and development has enabled it to roll out new products for its OPM customers on a regular basis as well as products for the home medical care and military uniform market. Among the Groups recent R&D initiatives include the development of Digital Camouflage Military uniforms and P3 level Face and Cup Mask and development of energy-saving conversion kits for its Philippines and Cambodia operations. Ordinary shares of Medtecs were listed on the Singapore Dealing and Automated Quotation System (SESDAQ) of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("SGX-ST") on 6 October 1999. The Groups Taiwan Depository Receipts ("TDR") were listed on the GreTai Securities Market of the Taiwan Stock Exchange on 13 December 2002. On 26 February 2010, the Company transitioned to the Catalist Sponsor-supervised regime with R&T Corporate Services Pte. Ltd. as the Companys continuing sponsor. The Company is currently listed on SGX-ST Catalist.

Company Information

Business Type Manufacturer, Trader
Main Products Workwear,Reusable Hospital Garment,Disposable Hospital Garment,Chef uniform,Bed Linen
Established Year 2015
City / State , -
Country/Region Taiwan
Address Taipei City, Taiwan

Factory Information

Location Taiwan, China, Cambodia, Philippines,
Factory Size Above 100,000 square meters
Total QC Staff
Total RND Staff
Number of Production Lines
Annual output
Average Lead Time

Trading Information

Total Revenue US$50 Million - US$100 Million
Export Percentage 81% - 90%
Nearest Port Sihanoukville (Cambodia), Manila(Philippines), HoChiMinh(Vietnam)
Overseas Office
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