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Gris Sarl

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Company Overview

Gris ice cream machines ecological and tropicalised.Our ice cream machines are made in the Auvergne region of France. In our factory, we make and conceive our machines from start to finish.Quality is our companys top priority. We test our ice cream machines to the different stages of their conceptions, so we can garanty you a material of quality.The best componants : We use componants amongst the best global brands in order to garanty you the monitoring of spare parts so you can keep your ice cream machines many years without being frightened of not finding the right parts from one year to another.Our system complies with the standard european norms. Wherever you are, a refrigeration engineer will be able to intervene as our ice cream machines complie with the european norms.As manufacturers, we know our machines by heart and we can provide you with the assistance you require and make an ice cream machine that fits your location and your needs.Our ice cream machines are ecological, indeed, we use the refrigerant fluid R455A that emits less carbone dioxide in the atmosphere. Even at our level we want to make a gesture towards the environment.Our ice cream machines are tropicalised, they can work to a temperature up to +46 degrees celcius. Wheather, you live in Africa or any hot countries, you will still have an ice cream machine that will be resistent to any hot weather conditions.We wish for our customers to be satisfied when they buy a French Gris ice cream machine.We use compressors of the French hermetic unit from Tecumseh.Filter drier, electrovalves, fluid indicators, pressure reducer from DanfossLeds indicating the level of mix in your reserveAn easy control panel equipped with a screen indicating the currant and the amperage.Refrigerant fluid R455A, for the producing function. Ecological gas.Setting of the ice cream hardness.We make availabe to you different models of ice cream machines, some mounted on wheels for an easy displacement of the machines.We also propose some counter top models for more compact rooms or for mobile ice cream businesses.We propose soft ice cream machines, frozen yogurt ice cream machines, ice lollies ice cream machines amongst others.Do not hesitate to contact us for more details.

Company Information

Business Type Manufacturer
Company Gris Sarl
Main Products ice cream machine,soft ice cream,hard ice cream,frozen yogurt
Website -
Established Year 2015
City / State Cohade , Auvergne
Country/Region France
Address 2 impasse des pierrailles

Trading Information

Total Revenue Below US$1 Million
Export Percentage
Nearest Port
Overseas Office
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