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Company Overview

Geramig International, Established in 1996, a rapidly growing company involved in the manufacturing & trading of Indian Handicrafts Art wares and Smoking systemsOur head office is in New Delhi, the capital of India. We are globally known for our quality and most reliable and trustworthy artisans since long time. The buyer is the most important asset of any business. We have integrated, efficient and effective departments which cater to our buyers needs and product requirements. We export Acrylic Pipes, Crystal pipes, bamboo pipes, Ashtrays, Brass Nirgiles hookahs, ceramic pipes, chillums, herb grinders, shisha hookahs, Millenium pipes, wooden pipes, metal pipes, wooden boxes and smoking accessories. We are exporting our products to North America, Asia & EuropeORGANIZATIONAL POLICY :COMPANY POLICY FOR PURCHASE OF TIMBER PRODUCTSGeramig International, strongly believes in using the legally harvested wood with complete traceability of its origin. All purchases in the company are primarily related to the timber which is mango, sheesham, and Acacia Wood is from a known origin are from Uttar Pradesh, in India and it is purchased from a registered suppliers and legally harvested wood.No illagally harvested, illegally transported, illegally sourced wood & wood without documentations, wood of doubtful origin and wood having restrictions from the country of import will be ever procured or used in this company.This policy is communicated and made available to all interested parties. The same is also promulgated and displayed on company letter heads as appropriate for public/vendors/Clients.

Company Information

Business Type Manufacturer, Trader
Main Products Sniffers,smoking Pipes,wooden pipes,Herb grinders,metal pipes
Established Year 2018
City / State New Delhi , Delhi
Country/Region India
Address BE-194, Street Number-2, Hari Nagar

Factory Information

Location BE-194, Street Number-2, Hari Nagar
Factory Size Below 1,000 square meters
Total QC Staff
Total RND Staff
Number of Production Lines
Annual output
Average Lead Time

Trading Information

Total Revenue US$1 Million - US$2.5 Million
Export Percentage 91% - 100%
Nearest Port Delhi, Navasheva
Overseas Office
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